T h e h o m e o f t h e R i d g e f i e l d S p u d d e r s B o o s t e r C l u b

What is a Booster? As defined by Wikipedia, “A booster club is an organization that is formed to support (e.g. coordinate events, raise money, etc.) an associated club, sports team, or organization. Booster clubs are popular in American schools at the high school and university level.”
What is The Ridgefield Boosters? In short, Ridgefield Boosters is similar to The South Ridge PTA or Union Ridge PTO. The Ridgefield Boosters is the Parent Organization for Ridgefield High School (RHS).
What do the Ridgefield Boosters do? Our Mission. To encourage, enhance and support Ridgefield High School in the areas of Academics, Activities and Athletics while promoting community involvement. Working in partnership collaboration with the Ridgefield School District, RHS, Staff, Coaches and Advisors in providing financial assistance for items/opportunities not funded by our district or school.
How do we raise money for The Ridgefield Boosters? The Ridgefield Boosters raises money through: Membership, Concessions, Business Sponsorship, Personal Donations and Merchandise & Apparel.
What does my Booster Membership buy? Most of it goes right back to your student! A small percentage of your dues help finance our administrative and insurance coverage. The majority of your membership dues goes right back to RHS by way of grants and items that are not and cannot be funded by the school(s).
What and Who do The Ridgefield Boosters Support? We support more than athletics! The Ridgefield Boosters is an organization that supports the “Triple A’s” – ACADEMICS, ACTIVITIES & ATHLETICS for Ridgefield High School.
What do The Ridgefield Boosters do for our Schools and our Community? Check out our list of accomplishments! The Ridgefield Boosters has funded and sponsored items and opportunities that have benefited ACADEMICS, ACTIVITIES and ATHLETICS for RHS and The Community of Ridgefield.
How can I help? Ridgefield Boosters is 100% volunteer. We would love your help and there are many ways to do that:
Join the Ridgefield Boosters. Memberships start at $25.
Volunteer in concessions with your team or club.
Be a business sponsor.
Purchase Spudder Merchandise.
Purchase food and snacks from Boosters Concessions.
Join the Boosters Board
Monetary Donations in lieu of volunteer time
Donations such as good, services, raffle items for various RHS teacher/staff evetns, especially Staff Appreciation week in May.
How do I become involved with the Booster Board? To become a member of the Booster Executive committee you must submit a nomination in April. Elections take place at the May Board meeting. You must be a Booster member to run for office or to vote.
Click HERE to view the Ridgefield Boosters list of
Accomplishments and Service to our community!
Links to Our Schools
Ridgefield School District
Ridgefield High School
View Ridge High School
Union Ridge Elementary School
South Ridge Elementary School
Community Education