T h e h o m e o f t h e R i d g e f i e l d S p u d d e r s B o o s t e r C l u b


The Ridgefield Boosters are proud once again to support our graduating seniors with scholarship opportunities.
This year, we are awarding five $1,000 scholarships to recognize students who have made a meaningful impact in academics, athletics, activities and community service.
Four scholarships will be awarded to students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, athletics or activities, and community service.
One scholarship will honor a student who has shown remarkable personal growth, resilience and determination. This student may have faced challenges in their high school career but has since made significant strides, persevered by turning setbacks into comebacks, and actively contributed to school and community events.
We celebrate the dedication, perseverance and achievements of our RHS and Wisdom Ridge seniors and look forward to recognizing their hard work!
To go to scholarship application, click here:
All Applications are due Sunday, May 4th, 2025 at 11:59 PM. See scholarship form for further details on how to submit.